Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Blessings

One of the huge benefits of taking up watercolour painting is that it changes the way I see things.
In fact, the study of any sort of visual art will change a persons perceptions and observations. Everything you look at is seen with different eyes.
  • Colours are differentiated and subtle differences noted.
  • Tones are more obvious.
  • Shapes are defined and their Edges become important. 
  • Perspective is more clearly noticed.
In fact my response to the world around me has changed!
Before taking up painting, the world looked fantastic to me - I enjoyed each and every view of it.
Now though, I see it more clearly, in more detail and with a much greater appreciation.
I wonder if that's partly what God had in mind for Christmas?

The birth of Jesus the Christ allows us to see God more clearly. For those with eyes to see and for those who want to see: there is a greater depth of colour and tone to life; connections between people and relationships are more important; and we can have better perspective on the issues that surround us.
Hopefully this ability to see more clearly will change the way we live.

May this Christmas bring you great joy, peace, love and hope for the future

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're still preaching occasionally-this is wonderful.


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